Graduate Certificate in Periodontics

The Graduate Program in Periodontology PG电子试玩平台科恩伯格牙科学院为合格的牙医提供专业的临床培训,并在牙周病学和牙科种植学的各个方面提供循证教育. The curriculum places an emphasis on a wide range of osseous, 再生和牙周整形外科技术以及口腔种植外科的各个方面. Students earn a graduate certificate in Periodontics and a simultaneous Master of Science on Oral Health Sciences, which is a requirement of the program.

The rigorous 36-month, full-time postgraduate program prepares students for practice, teaching and research in periodontology and oral implantology. 您将接受有关牙列附着物的高级教育, and the diseases and conditions that affect them. 你还将学习这些疾病的预防、诊断和治疗.

由美国牙科协会牙科认证委员会全面认可, 牙周病和口腔种植计划的课程包括教学课程, 该课程主要在第一年进行,并将牙周病和口腔种植科学文献与口腔健康科学课程结合起来. 你将在科恩伯格牙周病和口腔种植研究生诊所进行个人研究并接受临床指导, gaining real-world experience with treating a diverse patient population. 


  • contemporary approaches to anti-infective periodontal chemotherapy;
  • resective, regenerative and periodontal plastic surgical techniques;
  • surgical oral implantology including guided surgery;
  • advanced site preparation techniques;
  • sinus lift augmentation surgery; and
  • interpretation and use of cone beam computed tomography.

The Kornberg School of Dentistry is a highly sought, accredited institution located in the heart of Philadelphia. 除了在大城市上学所带来的独特机会之外, 包括访问讲座系列和丰富多样的患者池, the postgraduate Periodontology program offers

  • collaboration with a large DMD student population;
  • internationally recognized faculty;
  • modern, spacious clinics;
  • 口腔微生物检测服务实验室——美国唯一的全国性牙周微生物诊断检测服务机构.S. providing microbial culture and antibiotic susceptibility analysis of subgingival biofilm bacteria; and
  • various research opportunities.

牙周病和口腔种植学系的教师参与研究在该领域的前沿. Recent research studies include the following.

  • 主要牙周病原菌抗生素耐药模式分析
  • 含碘漱口水对牙周细菌病原菌的抗菌活性分析
  • 口腔器械灭菌监测快速生物指标体系的评价
  • Evaluation of genetic factors in molar-incisor pattern periodontitis
  • 显示种植体周围炎的激光辅助清创期间钛颗粒释放的检查
  • 氟化二胺银对龈下牙周病原菌抗菌作用的探讨

Learn more about current research at Kornberg.


Oral Health Sciences MS

Students in the Graduate Program in Periodontics apply for the Master of Science in Oral Health Sciences upon acceptance to the program. In this 30-credit postgraduate master’s program, 学生运用现代生物学原理和研究技术来帮助诊断, treating and preventing oral and craniofacial diseases and anomalies.

Through the interdisciplinary curriculum, students study the structure, development and function of oral tissues; their interrelationships; and their connections to other organ systems. Research areas include advanced general dentistry, clinical fields, and periodontal and craniofacial regeneration.

该项目的临床专业课程是专门为目前就读于科恩伯格牙科学院高级培训证书的研究生量身定制的. 在学生的研究生证书课程的课程计算为口腔健康科学硕士学位所需的30个学分.

Learn more about the Oral Health Sciences MS.

Program Format 

牙周病学研究生每年7月初入学,必须在整个课程中连续居住. Part-time options are not available.

Classes & Curriculum

该综合课程将牙周病学和口腔种植学的核心必修课程与口腔健康科学的各种课程相结合. 临床工作和研究的目的是给你先进的经验,在医院设置和理解和同情病人. 

Students are required to take the following courses.

  • Classical Periodontal Literature Review
  • Conscious Sedation
  • Current Periodontal Literature Review
  • Introduction to Postgraduate Periodontology
  • Oral Implantology Literature Review
  • Periodontology Case Presentations
  • Practice Teaching in Periodontology

Learn more about the requirements for the Periodontics Graduate Program.

Related Professional Degrees

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从牙周病学课程毕业的学生为从事牙周病专业的学术工作做好了充分的准备, administration, clinical and private practice, and research. Graduates have expertise in periodontics and oral biology, 他们有以病人为中心的实践所必需的经验和同情心.

Career Development

Through the Office of Student Affairs, 从事牙科职业的学生在康伯格任职期间和毕业后都可以得到咨询和支持. 办公室定期举办职业活动和嘉宾演讲,涵盖广泛的主题,包括

  • corporate and private practice careers,
  • debt management,
  • general practice residencies,
  • military service, and
  • specialty education.

Once enrolled in the Periodontics Certificate (Graduate) program, you will receive regular notifications about career opportunities. Additionally, the school provides a list of job opportunities that is updated regularly for dental professionals across the U.S.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 该牙周病证书提供有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种机会获得财政支持.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. 

You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


Additional Program Information